Accessible Transportation

Accessible Transportation

Provides specialized service to students, faculty, staff and visitors who have a disability or a medical condition and need assistance getting around the Danforth Campus. Pre-authorization required.

Campus Circulator

Campus Circulator

Students, faculty, staff and visitors can use this to get around the Danforth Campus for free.

Campus2Home Shuttle

Campus2Home Shuttle

A safe ride home, 7 days a week, for those within the shuttle route boundaries.

DeBaliviere Place Shuttle

DeBaliviere Place Shuttle

Serves the DeBaliviere neighborhood and Forest Park MetroLink Station with trips to/from the Danforth Campus.

Delmar Loop Shuttle

Delmar Loop Shuttle

Extending into the Delmar Loop, this shuttle is available to students and staff with a WashU ID.

Delmar-DivINe Shuttle

Delmar-DivINe Shuttle

Provides express service between the Danforth Campus, Delmar-DivINe, and Med School Campus.

Lewis Collaborative Shuttle

Lewis Collaborative Shuttle

This shuttle provides service between the Danforth Campus and areas north of Delmar including Quadrangle housing, the Lewis Center and the Lofts.

Skinker-DeBaliviere Shuttle

Skinker-DeBaliviere Shuttle

Available to students and staff with WashU IDs who travel to and from the Skinker-DeBaliviere neighborhood.

South Campus Shuttle (extends to West Campus on weekends)

South Campus Shuttle (extends to West Campus on weekends)

Provides service to students and staff to/from South Campus, the Wydown Skinker neighborhood and Clayton Rd. The route extends to West Campus on weekends.

West Campus Shuttle

West Campus Shuttle

Those who park at West Campus with a WashU ID can hitch a ride to campus.