Accessible Parking

Accessible Parking

Accessible spaces available to visitors and permit holders across campus.

Daily Usage Program

Daily Usage Program

This permit is ideal if you only occasionally need to park on the Danforth Campus.

Garage Parking

Garage Parking

Garage parking is available to visitors and those with eligible parking permits.

ParkSmart Permit

ParkSmart Permit

With this low-cost permit, you can park at West Campus or North Campus and commute to the Danforth Campus on a WashU shuttle or the Metro.

Request Event Parking

Request Event Parking

Fill out this form if you need to request a parking validation for an upcoming meeting or event.

WashU Danforth and Medical Campus Permit Reciprocity

WashU Danforth and Medical Campus Permit Reciprocity

The WashU Danforth Campus and School of Medicine Parking and Transportation teams recognize reciprocity of parking privileges on both campuses for permit holders.