Accessible Parking
Accessible spaces available to visitors and permit holders across campus.

Accessible parking is located near campus buildings and can be found on the campus parking map. Parking options include:
- Red Permit Holders: Park in any accessible space in any zone. In the event all accessible spaces are in use, park in the next closest space.
- Yellow Permit Holders: Park in any accessible space within your assigned zone. In the event all accessible spaces are in use, park in the next closest space. To access another zone, you can 1) use an Official Business Permit, 2) park in a garage and secure a validation from the department you are visiting, or 3) use visitor parking and pay the hourly rate.
- To park in an accessible space, you will need either a WashU parking permit or to pay as a visitor using the Passport Parking app.
Displaying Accessible Tags
To use accessible parking, you must either:
- Display a valid WashU parking permit AND a valid accessible placard or plate issued through the Department of Revenue (DOR)
- Display a valid WashU parking permit AND a valid temporary accessible parking placard issued by Parking & Transportation Services
Note: Accessible parking permits obtained through WashU are valid only on WashU campuses.
Accessible parking will be granted by WashU on a temporary basis only, defined as six weeks or less. If you are a student or employee with long-term needs, please instead apply for state-issued authorization through the Department of Revenue.
Students, faculty, and staff granted temporary accessible parking authorization through WashU are authorized to park in accessible spaces located on WashU property only and must simultaneously display a valid WashU permit.
If you are a visitor and have an accessible placard, you may park in designated accessible spaces, using the Passport app or pulling a ticket as you enter one of the garages on campus.
If you are a student who needs temporary accessible parking, you can request authorization by contacting the director of Student Health Services at 314-935-6666. Please note that WashU-authorized accessible parking must be certified by the director of Student Health Services or his or her designee.
If you are a WashU employee and require temporary accessible parking, contact Human Resources with a written verification from your personal physician. The written verification must contain the date, patient’s name, and how long accessible parking will be needed, which is not to exceed six weeks.
Learn more: ADA Guidelines, Process & Request for Accommodation Form
Student Health Services can reauthorize accessible parking for a student for one additional six-week period.
If you are an employee, accessible parking can be recertified by your personal physician for one additional six-week period. After your recertified tag expires, you will need to request authorization from the Department of Revenue to continue to use accessible parking on campus.
Campus Accessibility
Learn more about accessibility on the WashU campus by exploring campus accessibility maps on the Facilities Planning & Management website.