Event Charter Buses
Learn more about registering a charter bus for your event.

If you’re a student group or department and plan to bring a charter bus to campus, be sure to register your vehicle as far in advance as possible (at least 10 business days) so we can arrange space for your vehicle and ensure the safety of your passengers.
While we can’t guarantee your request will be approved, we’ll make every effort to accommodate you.
PLEASE NOTE: charter companies will not be able to finalize their bus reservation for Danforth Campus until they receive approval from Parking &Transportation.
The following policies are in place to ensure the bus process is orderly, efficient and safe for all parties involved.
- All buses brought to campus require a WashU faculty member, staff member or student to serve as sponsor/contact person with our office.
- If buses will be continuously looping between campus and the venue, there must be one bus per 100 people attending.
- If your event requires more than four buses, you will need two security guards per bus to monitor loading and unloading. The sponsoring group or charter company will need to provide these guards.
- Any reservation that involves transporting passengers to an event with alcohol will require two security guards per bus to monitor loading, transport, and unloading.
- Each bus must have one sober contact responsible for monitoring boarding, transport, and unloading. These contacts will need to meet with security 30 minutes prior to boarding to review responsibilities and expectations. Boarding cannot commence without this briefing.
- At the discretion of university staff, additional security may be requested and will be the responsibility of the sponsoring group.
- Security guards can prohibit individuals who are visibly intoxicated from boarding buses.
PLEASE NOTE: Failure to follow these guidelines may result in cancellation of your bus reservation and limitations on future bus requests.
In the event of a cancellation, or failure to follow these guidelines, the sponsoring group or individual will be solely responsible for the forfeiture of any deposits or payments made to the bus company.
For More Information
If you have questions about the charter bus guidelines, please contact Student Involvement & Leadership or the Parking & Transportation Services office.