Snow Way Garage
The Snow Way Garage is located on the northwest end of the Danforth Campus in Zone 3. You can access the garage via the Big Bend and Snow Way intersection or the Forest Park Parkway and Throop intersection. It is open to visitors and annual permit holders eligible to park in Zone 3.
Visitor Parking
- Visitor parking is available on the roof (fourth level) in designated spaces.
- Please take your pulled ticket with you; you do not need to display it on your dashboard.
- Upon returning to the garage, pay at the pay station located near the elevator core on the north side wall of the roof before returning to your vehicle. Payment by credit card only. View garage rates
- To leave the garage, please scan your paid parking ticket at the exit station. This will activate the gate arms to open.
- Snow Way Garage Pay Stations (PDF)
Permit Holder Parking: Zone 3
Annual permit holders who are eligible to park in Zone 3 may park in designated spaces.
Entrance/Exit Instructions