WashU Danforth and Medical Campus Permit Reciprocity
The WashU Danforth Campus and School of Medicine Parking and Transportation teams recognize reciprocity of parking privileges on both campuses for permit holders.

Our reciprocity policy is for the following permit holders:
- Eligible WashU Medical Campus permit holders who want to park on the Danforth Campus.
- Eligible Danforth Campus permit holders who want to park on the Medical Campus.
You may request a reciprocal permit (subject to availability). It must be used in tandem with your existing WashU Danforth Campus or WashU Med School parking permit and provides 20 hours of parking per week on the reciprocating campus. It is not intended for full-time use at either campus. If you need more than 20 hours of parking reciprocity per week, please contact your Parking and Transportation Services team.
Alternatively, MetroLink is a great option for free, quick, and easy travel between the Danforth, North, West and Medical School Campuses for those with a U-Pass.
I am a WUSM permit holder and want to park on the Danforth Campus.
Danforth Campus reciprocal permits will be issued on an annual basis. Eligible individuals include faculty, staff, students, and basic services contractors with one of the following permit types:
- Surface Lot
- Clayton Garage
- Metro Garage
- Newstead Garage
- WUSM Tier 1 (Laclede Garage & Plaza Garage)
- Reserved
Please note: Kingshighway Lot permit holders are not eligible for reciprocal parking.
WUSM permit holders have general reciprocity to park in yellow-permitted spaces at West Campus, North Campus, the DUC, and Millbrook Garages on the Danforth Campus.
In some cases, such as a faculty joint-appointment on both the Medical and Danforth Campuses, reciprocity may also be granted for the East End and Snow Way Garages on the Danforth Campus.
WashU Danforth Campus Parking and Transportation Services will verify your request with the WashU Medical School. When approved, a physical permit – an RFID-enabled sticker – will be mailed to the campus mail stop code you provide. This may take up to five business days. Additional delays may occur due to departmental Covid changes.
Previously issued permits for reciprocal parking will no longer be honored.
Questions regarding parking the Danforth Campus can be directed to the Danforth Campus Parking team at 314-935-5601 or parktrans@wustl.edu.
Request a reciprocal parking access in the Danforth Parking and Transportation Portal. Apply by clicking on P&T Specialized Requests, log in with your WUSTL key, and then choose “Click here for Med School Reciprocity Permit – Requests.”
I am a Danforth Campus permit holder and want to park on the WUSM Campus
The following permit holders are eligible for a WUSM reciprocal permit:
- Red
- Yellow Zone 1-4
- Yellow Zone 5 (North & West Campus)
Due to construction of the new Neuroscience Research Building, all Danforth Campus, North Campus, and West Campus reciprocal parkers will need to park in the Clayton Garage or in the lot located at 1234 S. Kingshighway Blvd. (on the corner of Swan and Kingshighway). Availability may be limited.
If you are parking at 1234 S. Kingshighway Blvd., you’ll need your WUSTL ID badge in addition to your visibly displayed Danforth, North, or West Campus hangtag.
The Kingshighway lot is gated and located in a residential neighborhood near an active School of Medicine building. It is staffed by security during business hours.
Shuttles run every 30 minutes from the Kingshighway lot to the Mid Campus Center (MCC) Monday through Friday, from 6-9 a.m. and from 2:30-5:30 p.m. To request transportation outside of these hours, contact Protective Services, by dialing 314-362-4357.
To request reciprocal parking access please complete the Reciprocal Parking Form.