Parking Permits

Parking permit options are available for parking on the Danforth, West, and North Campuses of Washington University. A valid parking permit must be displayed on vehicles parked on WashU property and must also be registered with Parking & Transportation Services.
Two basic permit categories available:
- Yellow permits allow parking in any unreserved space within a specific zone. A permit is required to be displayed in all zones. However, non-permit holders can park in any unreserved space “after hours,” specifically between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. Monday through Friday or over the weekend.
- Red permits, available only to employees, allow parking in spaces designated as “red permit parking” within any zone. A permit is required 24/7.
Because parking is a limited resource at WashU, please observe all parking regulations on our campus to ensure our existing resources meet the parking needs of our community. Penalties for violations include ticketing and fines, towing and revocation of parking privileges.
Five Parking Zones

Zone 2: South Core
Zone 3: North Core
Zone 4: South 40
Zone 5N: North Campus
Zone 5W: West Campus
To Purchase A Permit
WashU parking permits are valid for one year and must be renewed each year by the permit holder. For the 2024-25 academic year, permits are valid between August 1, 2024 through July 31, 2025. Prorations vary by permit type. New employees can request a permit after an employee ID number and a WUSTL Key have been issued.
Purchase Permit Online Now
Employees pay by payroll deduction.
Students pay by student account.
If your specific zone is unavailable, you can be added to the waitlist.
Available at the Parking & Transportation Services office. The current permit must be turned in to entitle the registrant to a replacement permit for $15.
To replace, visit the Parking & Transportation Services office. You will be required to fill out two forms, show your photo ID and pay a $15 replacement fee. If your permit is declared lost or stolen, the original permit number will be put on the university’s tow list. Any vehicle found displaying that permit number on campus will be towed immediately, assessed a fine for displaying a lost or stolen parking permit, and the vehicle owner/operator will be referred to the proper authority.
All permits must be returned to the Parking and Transportation Services office upon leaving the university or when permitted parking is no longer desired by the permit holder. Payroll deductions will not cease nor will refunds be issued until the physical permit has been returned to Parking and Transportation Services or a complete cancelation request has been submitted via the Danforth Campus parking and transportation portal.
- To cancel a permit, Login to the Danforth Campus parking and transportation portal.
- Take a photo of your Danforth Campus Permit after it is cut and upload it to the form.
- In the “Documentation” text box please note “CANCEL” followed by “Danforth Campus Permit.”
- Returning your physical permit to the Parking & Transportation Customer Service Center.
Applicable refunds will be prorated on a daily basis and will be issued:
- Via payroll for permits purchased using payroll deduction.
- Via credit card for permits purchased using credit card.
- Via check for permits purchased using check.
- Via student account for permits purchased using student billing.
Faculty and staff with an individual, payroll-deducted parking permit (not applicable to Bearly Drivers Carpool or Daily Usage permits) are permitted to place a permit on hold during a medical leave, leave of absence, or academic sabbatical. A permit hold allows these individuals to forego payroll deductions for up to 90 consecutive calendar days.
During the period your permit is on hold, the permit cannot be utilized in any form on campus. Violators of this policy will be ticketed/towed.
- To request a permit hold, login to the Danforth Campus parking and transportation portal. The 90-day hold period will begin on the day submitted.
- In the “Documentation” text box please note “HOLD” followed by “Danforth Campus Permit.”
- Take a photo of your Danforth Campus Permit and upload it to the form.
If a reactivation has not been requested prior to the 90th day, on the 91st day, the permit will be automatically be reactivated and payroll deductions will resume.
Permit Reactivation
WashU faculty and staff who need to reactivate a parking permit that has been placed on hold due to medical leave, leave of absence, or academic sabbatical can do so in the portal.
- To reactivate a permit, login to the Danforth Campus parking and transportation portal. The 90-day hold period will begin on the day submitted.
- In the “Documentation” text box please note “Reactivation” followed by “Danforth Campus Permit.”
- Take a photo of your Danforth Campus Permit and upload it to the form.
FY24 Faculty/Staff Permit Options
View 2024-2025 permit pricing information here.
With this low-cost permit, you can park at West Campus or North Campus and commute to the Danforth Campus on a WashU shuttle or the Metro. For detailed information, please see the ParkSmart page.
This cost-saving permit allows 2-4 full-time, benefits-eligible employees who carpool to and from campus to share a permit. For detailed information, please see the Bearly Drivers page.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus faculty/staff member. Price prorates daily beginning August 1, 2024.
- Faculty/Staff hangtag permits should be displayed unobstructed from the rearview mirror of the registered vehicle.
- Red permits are valid in any of the five zones, including all garages, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
- Permits are non-transferrable.
To gain entry into a garage with gate arm technology, simply pull up to the entry gate and the RFID permit will be automatically read to allow entry if within the correct zone and valid timeframe. If a ticket is pulled to gain entry to any PARCS (access-controlled area) the vehicle owner/operator is responsible for any/all fees incurred.
Eligible Payment Types
- Check
- Credit Card: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
- Payroll deduction
- Available to payroll deduction eligible faculty/staff. Pre-tax deduction on a monthly basis. The full purchase price is divided equally amongst the number of months remaining in the billing cycle.
- Faculty/staff will be billed a month behind depending on payroll set up in workday. I.e. Bi-weekly staff will be billed twice a month and monthly staff will be billed monthly.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus faculty/staff member.
- Faculty/Staff hangtag permits should be displayed unobstructed from the rearview mirror of the registered vehicle.
- Yellow Permits are valid in yellow spaces (open spaces with no signage) within the zone indicated on the permit, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
- Yellow Permits are valid in all garages within the assigned zone.
- Between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m., Monday – Friday and all day Saturday/Sunday (Open Park Operations), a yellow permit is valid in any yellow, visitor or ParkSmart (West and North Campuses) designated space in any zone (Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5N or 5W).
- Permits are non-transferrable.
To gain entry into a garage with gate arm technology, simply pull up to the entry gate and the RFID permit will be automatically read to allow entry if within the correct zone and valid timeframe. If a ticket is pulled to gain entry to any PARCS (access-controlled area) the vehicle owner/operator is responsible for any/all fees incurred.
To gain entry into a garage with gate arm technology outside of your designated parking zone, pull up to the entry gate, pull and entry ticket and park as a visitor in a visitor designated space. Upon exit, the entry ticket should be scanned at the exit station and fee paid via credit card.
Eligible Payment Types
- Check
- Credit Card: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
- Payroll deduction
- Available to payroll deduction eligible faculty/staff. Pre-tax deduction on a monthly basis. The full purchase price is divided equally amongst the number of months remaining in the billing cycle.
- Faculty/staff will be billed a month behind depending on payroll set up in workday. I.e. Bi-weekly staff will be billed twice a month and monthly staff will be billed monthly.
The Daily Usage Program allows permit holders to pay for parking on a monthly basis based on daily usage. It is ideal for those who only occasionally (less than 3 times per week) need to park on the Danforth Campus. Permits are issued for one specific zone, from Zones 1 to 4. For detailed information, please see the Daily Usage page.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus faculty/staff member. Price prorates daily beginning August 1, 2024.
- Faculty/Staff hangtag permits should be displayed unobstructed from the rearview mirror of the registered vehicle.
- Red Evening Permit is valid in red spaces in all zones from 3:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday – Friday, and all day Saturday/Sunday.
- Permits are non-transferrable.
To gain entry into a garage equipped with gate arm technology during the valid timeframe, simply pull up to the entry gate and the RFID permit will be automatically read to allow entry.
Before 3:30 p.m. on weekdays, a ticket must be pulled upon entry to any garage, and the hourly rate (through 5 p.m., Monday–Friday) must be paid upon exiting the garage. If a ticket is pulled to gain entry to an access-controlled area, the vehicle owner/operator is responsible for any/all fees incurred.
Eligible Payment Types
- Check
- Credit Card: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
- Payroll deduction
- Available to payroll deduction eligible faculty/staff. One-time pre-tax deduction for full purchase price.
- Faculty/staff will be billed a month behind depending on payroll set up in workday. I.e. Bi-weekly staff will be billed twice a month and monthly staff will be billed monthly.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus faculty/staff member. Price prorates daily, Monday-Friday, beginning August 1, 2024.
- Faculty/Staff hangtag permits should be displayed unobstructed from the rearview mirror of the registered vehicle.
- Yellow Evening Permit is valid in yellow spaces in Zones 1-4 from 3:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday – Friday, and all day Saturday/Sunday.
- Permits are non-transferrable.
To gain entry into a garage equipped with gate arm technology during the valid timeframe, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate and the RFID permit will be automatically read to allow entry.
Before 3:30 p.m. on weekdays, a ticket must be pulled upon entry to any garage, and the hourly rate (through 5 p.m., Monday–Friday) must be paid upon exiting the garage. If a ticket is pulled to gain entry to an access-controlled area, the vehicle owner/operator is responsible for any/all fees incurred.
Eligible Payment Types
- Check
- Credit Card: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
- Payroll deduction
- Available to payroll deduction eligible faculty/staff. One-time pre-tax deduction for full purchase price.
- Faculty/staff will be billed a month behind depending on payroll set up in workday. I.e. Bi-weekly staff will be billed twice a month and monthly staff will be billed monthly.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus faculty/staff member. Price prorates once annually on January 15, 2025.
- Motorcycles 50cc or greater must have a valid motorcycle permit.
Motorized vehicles 49cc or less do not require a parking permit and must park at a bike rack. - Motorcycle permits must be adhered and display on the front right fork of the motorcycle, motor scooter or motorbike.
- For the safety of pedestrians, motorcycles, motorbikes, and motor scooters may not be driven on campus walkways.
- Motorcycle permits are valid only in areas designated for motorcycles.
- Permits are non-transferrable. Each motorcycle, motor scooter or motorbike must have a separate permit.
Motorcycles, motor scooters, motorbikes and bicycles are prohibited from entering any garage equipped with PARCS equipment (gate arm technology).
Motorcycle parking is not permitted in any garage equipped with gate arm technology.
Eligible Payment Types
- Check
- Credit Card: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
- Payroll deduction
- Available to payroll deduction eligible faculty/staff. One-time pre-tax deduction for full purchase price.
- Faculty/staff will be billed a month behind depending on payroll set up in workday. I.e. Bi-weekly staff will be billed twice a month and monthly staff will be billed monthly.
2024-2025 Graduate Permit Options
View 2024-2025 permit pricing information here.
With this low-cost permit, you can park at West Campus and commute to the Danforth Campus on a WashU shuttle or the Metro. For detailed information, please see the ParkSmart page.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus graduate student.
- Graduate Student Daily Usage interior sticker permits should be adhered unobstructed to the lower passenger side corner of the front windshield of the registered vehicle.
- Yellow Permits are valid in yellow spaces (open spaces with no signage) within the zone indicated on the permit, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
- Yellow Permits are valid in all garages within the assigned zone.
- Between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m., Monday – Friday and all day Saturday/Sunday (Open Park Operations), a yellow permit is valid in any yellow, visitor or ParkSmart (West and North Campuses) designated space in any zone (Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5N or 5W).
- Permits are non-transferrable.
To gain entry into a garage with gate arm technology, simply pull up to the entry gate and the RFID permit will be automatically read to allow entry if within the correct zone and valid timeframe. If a ticket is pulled to gain entry to any PARCS (access-controlled area) the vehicle owner/operator is responsible for any/all fees incurred.
To gain entry into a garage with gate arm technology outside of your designated parking zone, pull up to the entry gate, pull and entry ticket and park as a visitor in a visitor designated space. Upon exit, the entry ticket should be scanned at the exit station and fee paid via credit card.
Eligible Payment Type: Student billing via student account mid-month on a monthly basis.
The Daily Usage Program allows permit holders to pay for parking on a monthly basis based on daily usage. It is ideal for those who only occasionally (less than 3 times per week) need to park on the Danforth Campus. Permits are issued for one specific zone, from Zones 1 to 3. For detailed information, please see the Daily Usage page.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus graduate student.
- Hangtag permits should be displayed unobstructed from the rearview mirror of the registered vehicle.
- Yellow Evening Permit is valid in yellow spaces in Zones 1-4 from 3:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday – Friday, and all day Saturday/Sunday.
- Permits are non-transferrable.
To gain entry into a garage equipped with gate arm technology during the valid timeframe, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate and the RFID permit will be automatically read to allow entry.
Before 3:30 p.m. on weekdays, a ticket must be pulled upon entry to any garage, and the hourly rate (through 5 p.m., Monday–Friday) must be paid upon exiting the garage. If a ticket is pulled to gain entry to an access-controlled area, the vehicle owner/operator is responsible for any/all fees incurred.
Eligible Payment Type: Student billing via student account mid-month on a monthly basis.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus graduate student. Price prorates once annually on January 15, 2024.
- Motorcycles 50cc or greater must have a valid motorcycle permit.
Motorized vehicles 49cc or less do not require a parking permit and must park at a bike rack. - Motorcycle permits must be adhered and display on the front right fork of the motorcycle, motor scooter or motorbike.
- For the safety of pedestrians, motorcycles, motorbikes, and motor scooters may not be driven on campus walkways.
- Motorcycle permits are valid only in areas designated for motorcycles.
- Permits are non-transferrable. Each motorcycle, motor scooter or motorbike must have a separate permit.
Motorcycles, motor scooters, motorbikes and bicycles are prohibited from entering any garage equipped with PARCS equipment (gate arm technology).
Motorcycle parking is not permitted in any garage equipped with gate arm technology.
Eligible Payment Type: Student billing via student account mid-month on a monthly basis.
2024-2025 Undergraduate Permit Options
View 2024-2025 permit pricing information here.
With this low-cost permit, you can park at West Campus and commute to the Danforth Campus on a WashU shuttle or the Metro. For detailed information, please see the ParkSmart page.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus undergraduate student, sophomore or higher standing, living on the South 40.
- This permit is valid August 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025.
- Undergraduate student interior sticker permits should be adhered unobstructed to the lower passenger side corner of the front windshield of the registered vehicle.
- Wallace Yellow Permits are valid in yellow spaces (open spaces with no signage) within the Wallace Garage, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
- Between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m., Monday – Friday and all day Saturday/Sunday (Open Park Operations), a yellow permit is valid in any yellow, visitor or ParkSmart (West and North Campuses) designated space in any zone (Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5N or 5W).
- Permits are non-transferrable.
To gain entry into a garage with gate arm technology outside of your designated parking zone, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate, pull and entry ticket and park as a visitor in a visitor designated space. Upon exit, the entry ticket should be scanned at the exit station and fee paid via credit card. If a ticket is pulled to gain entry to any PARCS (access-controlled area) the vehicle owner/operator is responsible for any/all fees incurred.
Eligible Payment Type: Student billing via student account mid-month on a monthly basis.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus undergraduate student, sophomore or higher standing, who live in the Village, Millbrook Apartments or on Fraternity Row.
- This permit is valid August 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025.
- Undergraduate student interior sticker permits should be adhered unobstructed to the lower passenger side corner of the front windshield of the registered vehicle.
- Northwest Resident permits are valid in yellow spaces (open spaces with no signage) within the roof of the Millbrook Garage, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
- Between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m., Monday – Friday and all day Saturday/Sunday (Open Park Operations), a yellow permit is valid in any yellow, visitor or ParkSmart (West and North Campuses) designated space in any zone (Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5N or 5W).
- Permits are non-transferrable.
To gain entry into a garage with gate arm technology, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate and the RFID permit will be automatically read to allow entry if within the correct zone and valid timeframe.
To gain entry into a garage with gate arm technology outside of your designated parking zone, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate, pull and entry ticket and park as a visitor in a visitor designated space. Upon exit, the entry ticket should be scanned at the exit station and fee paid via credit card. If a ticket is pulled to gain entry to any PARCS (access-controlled area) the vehicle owner/operator is responsible for any/all fees incurred.
Eligible Payment Type: Student billing via student account mid-month on a monthly basis.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus undergraduate student, sophomore or higher standing, who lives in The Lofts.
Cost: Lofts bundled pricing (no cost to student)
- This permit is valid August 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025.
- Undergraduate student interior sticker permits should be adhered unobstructed to the lower passenger side corner of the front windshield of the registered vehicle.
- Lofts Resident permits are valid in yellow designated spaces (open spaces with no signage) in the Lofts Garage, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
- Between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m., Monday – Friday and all day Saturday/Sunday (Open Park Operations), a yellow permit is valid in any yellow, visitor or ParkSmart (West and North Campuses) designated space in any zone (Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5N or 5W).
- Permits are non-transferrable.
To gain entry into a garage with gate arm technology, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate and the RFID permit will be automatically read to allow entry if within the correct zone and valid timeframe.
To gain entry into a garage with gate arm technology outside of your designated parking zone, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate, pull and entry ticket and park as a visitor in a visitor designated space. Upon exit, the entry ticket should be scanned at the exit station and fee paid via credit card. If a ticket is pulled to gain entry to any PARCS (access-controlled area) the vehicle owner/operator is responsible for any/all fees incurred.
Eligible Payment Type: Lofts bundled pricing (no cost to student)
This permit is not eligible for a student refund as it is issued at no additional cost to the student.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus undergraduate student, sophomore or higher standing, who lives in The Lofts. Price prorates daily, Monday-Friday, beginning August 1, 2024. View 2024-2025 permit pricing information here.
- This permit is valid August 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025.
- Undergraduate student interior sticker permits should be adhered unobstructed to the lower passenger side corner of the front windshield of the registered vehicle.
- Lofts-Zone 2 permits are valid in yellow designated spaces (open spaces with no signage) in the Lofts Garage as well as Zone 2, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
- Between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m., Monday – Friday and all day Saturday/Sunday (Open Park Operations), a yellow permit is valid in any yellow, visitor or ParkSmart (West and North Campuses) designated space in any zone (Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5N or 5W).
- Permits are non-transferrable.
To gain entry into a garage with gate arm technology, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate and the RFID permit will be automatically read to allow entry if within the correct zone and valid timeframe.
To gain entry into a garage with gate arm technology outside of your designated parking zone, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate, pull and entry ticket and park as a visitor in a visitor designated space. Upon exit, the entry ticket should be scanned at the exit station and fee paid via credit card. If a ticket is pulled to gain entry to any PARCS (access-controlled area) the vehicle owner/operator is responsible for any/all fees incurred.
Eligible Payment Type: Student billing via student account mid-month on a monthly basis.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus undergraduate student, sophomore or higher standing, who lives off-campus. Price prorates daily, Monday-Friday, beginning August 1, 2024. View 2024-2025 permit pricing information here.
- This permit is valid August 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025.
- Undergraduate student interior sticker permits should be adhered unobstructed to the lower passenger side corner of the front windshield of the registered vehicle.
- Undergraduate Commuter permits are valid in yellow designated spaces (open spaces with no signage) in Zone 2, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
- Between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m., Monday – Friday and all day Saturday/Sunday (Open Park Operations), a yellow permit is valid in any yellow, visitor or ParkSmart (West and North Campuses) designated space in any zone (Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5N or 5W).
- Permits are non-transferrable.
To gain entry into a garage with gate arm technology, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate and the RFID permit will be automatically read to allow entry if within the correct zone and valid timeframe.
To gain entry into a garage with gate arm technology outside of your designated parking zone, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate, pull and entry ticket and park as a visitor in a visitor designated space. Upon exit, the entry ticket should be scanned at the exit station and fee paid via credit card. If a ticket is pulled to gain entry to any PARCS (access-controlled area) the vehicle owner/operator is responsible for any/all fees incurred.
Eligible Payment Type: Student billing via student account mid-month on a monthly basis.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus undergraduate student who lives off-campus.
- Hangtag permit should be displayed unobstructed from the rearview mirror of the registered vehicle.
- Yellow Evening Permit is valid in yellow spaces in Zones 1-4 from 3:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday – Friday, and all day Saturday/Sunday.
- Permits are non-transferrable.
To gain entry into a garage equipped with gate arm technology during the valid timeframe, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate and the RFID permit will be automatically read to allow entry.
Before 3:30 p.m. on weekdays, a ticket must be pulled upon entry to any garage, and the hourly rate (through 5 p.m., Monday–Friday) must be paid upon exiting the garage. If a ticket is pulled to gain entry to an access-controlled area, the vehicle owner/operator is responsible for any/all fees incurred.
Eligible Payment Type: Student billing via student account mid-month on a monthly basis.
Eligibility: Individual must be a Danforth Campus undergraduate student. Price prorates once annually on January 15, 2025.
- Motorcycles 50cc or greater must have a valid motorcycle permit.
Motorized vehicles 49cc or less do not require a parking permit and must park at a bike rack. - Motorcycle permits must be adhered and display on the front right fork of the motorcycle, motor scooter or motorbike.
- For the safety of pedestrians, motorcycles, motorbikes, and motor scooters may not be driven on campus walkways.
- Motorcycle permits are valid only in areas designated for motorcycles.
- Permits are non-transferrable. Each motorcycle, motor scooter or motorbike must have a separate permit.
Motorcycles, motor scooters, motorbikes and bicycles are prohibited from entering any garage equipped with PARCS equipment (gate arm technology).
Motorcycle parking is not permitted in any garage equipped with gate arm technology.
Eligible Payment Type: Student billing via student account mid-month on a monthly basis.
Additional Permits
Retiree Parking Permit
Fill out this form if you are a retiree interested in purchasing a permit.
Official Business Permits – Department or Vendor
Available for purchase by a Danforth Campus department or a vendor with a valid exception. Allows parking in visitor, yellow, or red spaces.
Department Vehicle Permits
Request a WashU Danforth campus department vehicle parking permit.